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Stock bottles Combinations for the Soul
 © Bloesem Remedies Nederland
 © Bloesem Remedies Nederland
Stock Zielsontplooiing (2016) - SOUL DEVELOPMENT
This is a combination made from the flower essences: Protection, Divine Angel, Angel and Lemurian Portal, Impatiens, The Spiritual Path.

A particularly deeply working combination for the development and growth of your soul, especially when you have been looking for a new opportunity to grow for a long time. This is also an important combination after you have used the combination Primal Soul. The next step, when you are connected to your soul again, is the expansion and growth of the soul. However, in order to make this next step, you must be well protected. Thereafter, the old restrictions regarding spiritual growth can be removed. That takes some time, to finally arrive at the connection with Lemuria. When after a long search of the soul the connection with paradise is made, the possibility arises to start working for the healing of the other. This is only possible from the heart, because it contains the paradise (of Lemuria).
€ 18,00
* Maximum order quantity: 99