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 © Healing Herbs
 © Healing Herbs
Healing Herbs Stock Sweet Chestnut
For those moments which happen to some people when the anguish is so great as to seem to be unendurable. When the mind or body feels as if it had borne to the uttermost limit of its endurance, and that now it must give way. When it seems there is nothing but destruction and annihilation left to face. [Bach: Twelve Healers and Other Remedies 1936]

But in the darkest hours, and when success seems well-nigh impossible, let us ever remember that God’s children should never be afraid, that our Souls only give us such tasks as we are capable of accomplishing , and that with our own courage and faith in the Divinity within us victory must come to all who continue to strive. [Bach: Collected Writings]

Emotional State
For a time of terrible anguish and despair when we are at uttermost limits of endurance, there appears to be no light or love left in the world, nothing but destruction and annihilation left to face, utter desolation, unable even to pray, the ‘dark night of the soul’. [Barnard: Guide to the Bach Flower Remedies]
From € 14,64
* Maximum order quantity: 99
