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Acid/base balance products
 © M.Reich
 © M.Reich © M.Reich
Alkalic powder (Basenpulver) M.Reich
Vital substances are of crucial importance to us. They are essential for the balance of our acid-base balance and therefore also crucial for our health and performance.
Our alkaline powder is purely plant-based and supports the daily replenishment of important vitamins, minerals and trace elements in the body. Our product combines the best of 107 carefully selected herbs, vegetables and fruits, as well as specialty superfoods, including spirulina algae, goji berries and baobab.

Available in 5 grams (1 portion), 165 grams.
Ingredients / INCI list: Gentiaanwortel, artisjokkruid, alsemkruid, duizendguldenkruid, kurkuma, gemberwortel, sinaasappelschil, venkelvruchten (zoet), anijs, basilicumkruid, koriander, jeneverbessen, rozemarijnbladeren, paardenbloembladeren, duizendbladkruid, moringabladeren, bittere klaver bladeren, laoswortel, engelwortel, alsem, kalmoeswortel, lavaswortel, piment, bittere sinaasappelvruchten, bittere sinaasappelschillen, tijmkruid, reuzenguldenroedekruid, salieblaadjes, cichoreiwortel, oregano, kaneel (Ceylon), olijfbladeren, paardenbloem wortel, duizendbladbloemen, brandnetelbladeren, cichoreikruid, groene thee, tijm, malrovekruid, karwij, heemstwortel, daslookbladeren, dillezaden, kliswortel, daslookwortel, spinazie, bonenkruid, violetwortel (iriswortel), tormentilla wortel, citroenschil, valeriaanwortel, kruidnagel, boerenkool, kervelblaadjes, bieslook * Alle ingrediënten uit de biologische landbouw
From € 0,80
* Maximum order quantity: 2
* Maximum order quantity: 2