© Spirit in Nature
 © Spirit in Nature
From Bagels to Curry, Lila Devi.
NEW from Lila Devi: a spiritual memoir (her fourth book, and the first not about flower essences). Here, the founder of Spirit-in-Nature Essences shares a more personal journey with universal undertones–from formal religion to spirituality.

“From Bagels to Curry is a gem of a book that is destined to help this weird and wonderful world we live in. A story of love and acceptance of others’ faiths and cultures of which there is such a dearth in our society. In a week where we have planes being shot out of the sky and revolution and terrorism, we need simple stories like this of trust and love between all people worldwide.”
— JMichael Fields, author of Nature Feels and Nature Heals and CEO of Inspirations International
from € 22,90 for € 18,32
* Maximum order quantity: 4
* Maximum order quantity: 4