© Yana
 © Yana
Yana stock Chakra 1
This combination consists of 5 flower essences and brings the Root Chakra into balance. It gives strength and stability to this foundation, on which all chakras, but also your life is built. It restores the earth connection and grounding. Your life is part of the greater whole, of nature. This essence strengthens this consciousness and restores the experience of nature. We are part of nature, with all its processes and the processes of life that go with it. It also lets you accept the fact that transience is a part of life. It brings you back to your own nature. It reminds you of what is really important, so that you do not let your financial worries get the upper hand, for example. Desiring material things is not originally part of human nature. The essence lets you stand in life with pleasure and joy and take your own place on this earth with confidence.
* Maximum order quantity: 99
€ 13,00