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Rider waite tarot card set (Koppenhol)
Rider Waite Tarot

The Rider Waite Tarot is the most popular and well-known tarot deck, both for beginners and experienced users. The game was first published in London in 1910. The game was designed by Pamela Colman Smith. Edward Waite, a member of the Golden Dawn order, gave the instructions for this.

The special thing about the Rider Waite tarot game is that the Minor Arcana contains illustrations. This tarot deck is the most popular and widely used tarot game of our time. The cards are clear and easy to use, yet they contain the basic experiences of humanity.

Raider Waite Tarot (set)

The handbook \'Tarot, Mirror of Life\', was written by Mario Montana and translated by Anneke Huyser. Montana describes the use and interpretation of the cards in an accessible, clear way.

The cards and the book are also available separately.

Pamela Colman Smith, Arthur Edward Waite and Mario Montano

78 cards, 57 x 89mm
€ 27,95
* Maximum order quantity: 2
* Maximum order quantity: 2