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Happy Healthy Kids, Ian White
Happy Healthy Kids - Ian White (Engels).

Happy Healthy Kids traces a child’s physical, emotional and spiritual development from preconception, through pregnancy and birth, to age seven. It is a very accessible, easy to use book jammed full of practical advice and case histories. Key emotional issues and a wide variety of everyday ailments a child may face at each stage of growth are described alongside easy-to-implement solutions and a selection of appropriate Bush Essences.

Ian’s 250 page book is the culmination and integration of his 30 years’ working as a practitioner with children, an even longer period of time involved in metaphysical and spiritual studies and just on 25 years of work and experience with the Bush Essences. Happy Healthy Kids is very accessible, easy to use, jammed full of practical advice and case histories. It is equally beneficial for someone who had never worked with the Essences before, as well as the person very experienced in working with the Essences – i.e. a practitioner.

Key issues a child may face at each stage of growth are described alongside easy-to-implement solutions and a selection of relevant Essences. The book covers a wide variety of everyday ailments – from colds, allergies and bruises, to burns, bed-wetting and car sickness – and discusses topics such as nutrition and vaccination. Happy Healthy Kids details how to handle a whole range of emotional challenges, from shyness and lack of self-confidence to aggression. It also addresses many aspects of a child’s spirituality and development.

The topics covered in this book are:
How the Essences Work
Preparing for pregnancy
Pregnancy and your baby's birth
The first few days
The first year
The toddler years
Your child's spirit
Common childhood infections and illnesses
Toddlerhood to childhood
Starting school
Knowing your child
Choosing Bush Essences
Using Bush Essences
A-Z of conditions and treatments
Individual Essences
Combination Essences
€ 29,30
* Maximaal te bestellen aantal: 2
* Maximaal te bestellen aantal: 2
