© Orchid
 © Orchid
Orchid stock Soul Integration.
This essence is made in a power place in the north of Sweden on the 20th of march 2015 during a cosmic triad: spring equinox,
solar eclipse and super moon. Soul Intergration is good when you seek meaning in your life and need help to feel the love for
yourself despite setbacks you encounter on your path forward. To feel the strength to face your true self and to be true to
yourself on all levels. To meet a deep sense of inner certainty about your own purpose and role when you feel that you have lost track of your
direction and goal. When you have long carried on an unspoken anger and perhaps hidden under the anger a grief over lost
opportunities, Soul Integration allows you to release the past to find a place, a direction and a goal guided in harmony and
gratitude through your own souls divine clarity.
From € 13,84
* Maximum order quantity: 1
* Maximum order quantity: 1